So originally my plan was to backtrack in time to our wedding day and move forward in all the happenings in our life. But now I feel like too much time has passed to play catch up without either having a really long blog post or multiple mundane blogs about details no one probably cares to read. I can't believe it's been since November that I made my first post. Whoops. So I'll just say this, getting married and moving away from family was extremely hard. The first few months were filled with some emotional meltdowns/homesickness. But I have loved being married to my best friend. So I'd say it's been worth it. ;) I have adjusted a lot more now and I'm still loving married life so all is well. God is good! Anyway, I have a few ideas for the next few posts. It'll be stuff that has been on my heart lately or for awhile. Thanks for stopping by :)